

Longhouses to have Internet access soon

Posted on 25 Sep 2009

* Berita ini terdapat dalam Bahasa Inggeris sahaja.

ENGKILILI: Broadband Internet services will be available in several longhouses in Lubok Antu and Engkilili once the Community Broadband project is completed.

Lubok Antu MP William Nyallau Badak said the project was being funded by the federal government through the Information, Communication and Culture Ministry.

Once completed, he said, this facility would enable the longhouses to be connected to the rest of the world.

He therefore hoped that the people in this area would not misuse the Internet.

“The younger generation, especially university graduates, can look for jobs through the Internet. They can also look for opportunities to further their studies as well as to do research on subjects of interest.


“The Internet is also a good way to promote the longhouse to people in other parts of the world,” he said at the Info Bestari programme jointly organised by Information Department and Komuniti Bestari Nanga Bunu at Rumah Empading, Skrang yesterday.

Also present were Engkilili assemblyman Dr Johnnical Rayong Ngipa, Sri Aman-Betong information officer Charles Sigat Ason as well as staff from the Information Department and Special Affairs Department.

Nyallau, who is Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) supreme council member, also said he would look into the ugrading of the compounds around the Rumah Empading longhouse.

He hoped he could find a solution towards funding a cement-laying works for the compounds next year.

He also announced grants of RM10,000 and RM3,000 to Nanga Busu’s village development and security committee (JKKK) and its women’s bureau.

Dr Rayong also pledged minor rural project (MRP) grants of RM7,000 and RM3,000 for Nanga Busu.