

Venture into software, application devt – Lee

Posted on 26 Mar 2011

MIRI: Miri youths are urged to venture into software and application development which can be lucrative.

Assistant Infrastructure Development and Communication Minister Datuk Lee Kim Shin, who made this call yesterday, said software developers were in demand by many international and domestic company in this modern era.

“Software development can be done anywhere in this world, not only in Silicone Valley and Banglore, India. People with the expertise can go far and get paid well,” he pointed out.

Lee said the government was serious in building IT expertise in Malaysia and had taken steps to develop the industry, such as by providing free training for youths.

He was speaking at the closing ceremony for a Mobile Phone (I Phone) Content Training at Miri Community College yesterday.

The training was a collaboration between the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Mosti), Multimedia Development Corporation (MDEC), Senadin Social Community Club and Miri Community College.

Trainers from Millennium Radius conducted the two weeks’ training for 25 local youths.

Lee said the training was sponsored by the government with the objective of training local youths in basic phone applications.

“We want our young people to be developers of IT products so they can be competitive in this IT era by becoming developers of IT products for the world,” he said.

Meanwhile MDEC project manager Rizwal Zakaria said similar trainings had been conducted in other states.

“But Miri has the best students so far. In only two weeks, they have produced six marketable phone applications using Macbook.Their paperwork is outstanding and we will use some of it for our exhibition during our roadshow,” he said.

Those attending the two-week training received two certificates – one from MDEC and another from Miri Community College.

They also received an iPod each to be used after the training to develop software and applications.

source from:
The Borneo Post