

TM to up broadband penetration by 20 pct

Posted on 05 Feb 2010

* Berita ini terdapat dalam Bahasa Inggeris sahaja.

KUCHING: Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) is targeting to increase its broadband penetration in Sarawak to at least 20 per cent by end of 2010.

TM Sarawak general manager Omar Zaki Mustafa yesterday said the current broadband penetration of the company in the state is 17 per cent.

He explained that TM had carried out several measures such as offering special Internet packages and increasing wireless points in order to increase its broadband penetration in the state.Picture

Such measures are in line with the government’s initiative to have 50 per cent broadband penetration throughout the nation by end of this year, said Omar.

“The target of Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM) is 50 per cent by 2010. The target is not only for TM but for all operators including P1, Redtone, DiGi and Maxis.

“TM is currently contributing around 17 per cent and we are targeting to increase that to over 20 per cent by end of 2010,” he told reporters after the launching of ‘SME Biz Net Seminar 2010’ at a hotel here.

On the cost incurred, Omar explained that the cost would be mainly in the infrastructure such as putting up additional electronic components since the telecommunication company already had the network in residential areas.

“Our line capacity in Sarawak is almost 600,000 fixed lines whilst our customers are only 260,000. Only 50 per cent is being utilised at the moment. So, if any of our customers want to subscribe the Streamyx, we can give them the services immediately,” he said.

Omar pointed out that TM is also targeting to have around 1,000 wireless points throughout the state by 2010 from current ‘limited number of wireless points in Kuching and Miri’.

The overall target throughout the nation is 10,000 wireless points, he said.

“TM is pushing on our Streamyx services. We are offering many special packages to our customers. We are pushing new packages for students in particular university students where they could get a free netbook with the package,” he said.

He added that the company also offered similar packages to their staff.

Apart from that, TM is collaborating with SKMM to put up nine more Community Broadband Centres (CBC) in Sarawak, said Omar.

“TM is one of the companies selected by SKMM to put up 18 CBCs for the whole Sarawak. Currently, we already have nine CBCs, of which the balance would be put up by end of this year,” he said.

He pointed out that the CBCs provided by TM are equipped with 10 to 20 computers with high speed broadband service.

The CBCs could be found, for instance, in Kota Samarahan, Julau, Darat and Simunjan, he said.

The SME Biz Net 2010 was part of TM’s nationwide programmes for its small and medium enterprises (SMEs) customers.

The main objective was to give awareness to SMEs on latest products, services and technology provided by the telco company to help SMEs in fulfilling their telecommunication needs.

Some 200 attendees were briefed by TM on its products such as Internet Protocol Virtual Private Network (IPVPN), TM Direct Services, Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT), infoblast and many more.

Earlier in his opening remarks, Omar said he was confident that TM could help their customers in facing the global challenges by offering products and services which are tailored and customised to their requirement.

He pointed out that products and services provided by TM could help SMEs to achieve competitive performance with smaller budgets, to compete with larger businesses in an open market and to minimise IT complexity.

“This is certainly a win win situation where TM offers effective and quality services at affordable prices to its customers which will result in greater sales and higher revenue for their company,” he said.

by Lee Ya Yun; The Borneo Post