

Ministry to communicate with youth via Facebook

Posted on 20 Dec 2009

* Berita ini terdapat dalam Bahasa Inggeris sahaja.

KUCHING: The Ministry of Social Development and Urbanisation (KPSU) will launch its Facebook next year and aims for a closer relation with the youth community via the website.

KPSU permanent secretary Soedirman Aini said the page is to give opportunity for everyone to provide ideas and opinions on the progress of the nation’s youth.Picture

“Facebook will be a platform for youths in this country to exchange ideas while at the same time leading towards the development of the people, especially youths.”

“Apart from that, Facebook aims to provide an opportunity for Malaysian youths to interact with outsiders, such as Indonesia, which in return would lead to better understanding of each other,” Soedirman said during a dinner with delegates from Komite Nasional Pemuda Indonesia (KNPI) on Friday night.

The visit from KNPI of Kalimantan Barat was the first ever by the group.

KNPI chief delegate Rifal SP said the visit intends to strengthen the relation between communities from both countries and understand their culture, especially in Kuching.

“We hope similar visits will be done more often to improve ties between the people from both countries,” Rifal said.

Sodirman said the visit opens path for better understanding as it provides factual information to visitors here.

The visit is jointly organised by KPSU, Kuching City South Commission (DBKU), Yayasan Sarawak, Sarawak State Legislative Assembly, Saberkas and the Smart Community.

The delegates comprising 40 persons are in Kuching on a four-day visit since Dec 17.

source: The Borneo Post