Sarawak’s Focal Point On Malaysia Day

Posted on 13 Sep 2024
Source of News: UKAS

Last Monday (9th September) at the ‘Mengenang Negarawan Tun Datuk Patinggi Temenggung Jugah Barieng Negarawan Terbilang’ function held at the Dayak Cultural Foundation (DCF) in Kuching, the life and contribution of the late Tun Datuk Patinggi Temenggong Jugah Barieng for the formation of Malaysia was highlighted once again to remind not just Sarawakians but also all Malaysians of the significant role of the man who has voiced his support for the formation of the federation of Malaysia on 16th September 1963.
The event was officiated by Sarawak Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas along with Minister of National Unity Dato Sri Aaron Ago Dagang in the presence of Tun Jugah’s son Tan Sri Datuk Amar Leonard Linggi Jugah and his grandson, who is Minister of Works Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi.
Tun Jugah’s thoughts and visions for the formation of Malaysia was crucial for the wellbeing of our country, and his struggle as well as vast contribution to nation-building has continued to inspire Sarawakians to fight for better future. 
Despite not receiving any formal education, the late Tun Jugah was endowed with a sharp intellect. His famous cautionary words ‘Anang Malaysia baka tebu, manis ba pun, tabar ba ujung’ which literally means ‘Let’s hope that Malaysia will not end up like sugarcane, sweet in the beginning but tasteless in the end’, was uttered more than 61 years ago, resonated once again as we celebrate the country’s 61st anniversary this coming Monday.  
Tun Jugah’s famous saying will continue to remind us not to take things for granted, because in order to progress, everyone has a role to play in nation-building. For our leaders in particular, they have a crucial role to play to ensure that every Malaysian has access to good education, good healthcare system, job opportunity and safe environment. After all, these are guaranteed in our constitution.
Upon reflecting on the country’s existence for the last 61 years, questions have arisen once again such as those raised by Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi as reported during the function where he said, “It’s been over 60 years now since Malaysia was formed in 1963. The question is, what is the situation today? Have we achieved the best unity possible? If not, why? If we have, then we can be proud of it”.
While we dwell on the current state of affairs in our country, we can’t help but to discuss the recent news reports whereby Petronas is mulling to take the Sarawak Government to court regarding the issue of gas distribution in Sarawak.
Addressing the issue at hand, Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Abang Abdul Rahman Zohari Tun Datuk Abang Openg has assured that negotiation between the Sarawak Government and Petronas is still ongoing. This is to ensure that the outcome will benefit both parties.
Datuk Patinggi Abang Zohari’s response is a proof that he is very committed to safeguard the rights of Sarawak under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), and at the same time to continue building a good relationship with the federal leaders. 
As he has said numerous times, his main responsibility now is to ensure that Sarawak will continue to progress. 
So, we can say that Datuk Patinggi Abang Zohari is man on fire, so to speak, to accomplish a crucial mission – a mission to achieve a developed status and high-income economy for Sarawak by 2030. 
The implementation of State Sales Tax (SST) is possible due to Sarawak’s Oil Mining Ordinance (OMO) 1958 that allows it an exclusive right over its oil and gas resources. OMO 1958 is a blessing in disguise for Sarawak as it safeguards the rights over all its mineral resources. With OMO 1958, Sarawak now has a much better deal with the federation government, provided by the fact that the MA63 has been given due recognition to Sarawak (and Sabah) by the federal leaders. 
Now, looking at Datuk Patinggi Abang Zohari’s various initiatives since taking over the reins of the Sarawak Government from the late Pehin Sri Adenan Satem in 2017, his administration has already acquired the mammoth Bakun hydroelectric power (HEP) Dam from the Federal Government for RM2.5 billion including servicing the remaining loan of RM5.6 billion; RM5.1 billion for water and electricity supplies; RM2.25 billion for communications infrastructure, RM6 billion for Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) which will focus on autonomous Rapid Transit (ART); RM11 billion for the coastal highways, including eight major bridges and RM1.5 billion each for the nine agencies under RECODA namely: Ulu Rajang Development Agency (URDA), Highland Development Agency (HDA), North Region Development Agency (NRDA), Sri Aman Development Agency (SADA), Integrated Regional Samarahan Development Agency (IRSDA), Betong Division Development Agency (BDDA), Rajang Delta Development Agency (RADDA), Mid-Rajang Development Agency (MiRRDA) formerly known as Rascom Development Agency (RASDA), and Greater Kuching Coordinated Development Agency (GKCDA). In total, the amount is a staggering RM39.95 billion. 
These major projects that have been implemented and undertaken by the Sarawak Premier’s administration does not include two other major acquisitions which are currently under negotiations, namely the taking over of MASwings and Affin Bank, which will definitely cost Sarawak billions of ringgit.
Now let us ask ourselves, how did Datuk Patinggi Abang Zohari managed to source such a colossal amount of money?
The answer is very complex, but to make it sound very simple - it is with a stroke of genius that his administration has managed to impose a five per cent SST on oil and gas productions in Sarawak. Since the imposition of the SST in 2019, it has contributed RM14.7 billion as of October 2023, to Sarawak’s coffer (equivalent to about RM2.94 billion annually).
The Sarawak Premier’s administration will continue to explore new strategies in order to come up with bold new ideas on how best to attract more foreign investors to invest in Sarawak. These new initiatives will also include exploring Sarawak’s other potentials such as its green and sustainable energy that focuses on HEP, solar energy and hydrogen. This new economy will also include carbon storage and carbon capture activities. 
Datuk Patinggi Abang Zohari’s administration will not be left alone to fight for greater autonomy for Sarawak under MA63 as shown by the support not only from Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) lawmakers but including the opposition and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) alike. The issue has gained much traction with the statements made by GPS Information Chief and Muara Tuang Assemblyman Dato Idris Buang, DAP national Youth chief and Bandar Kuching Member of Parliament Dr Kelvin Yii and prominent local NGO figure Peter John Jaban, have expressed their full support for Sarawak’s full autonomy over its oil and gas. 
As we celebrate Malaysia Day, let us be reminded of the many sacrifices made by our forefathers in forming the federation of our country. By remembering their sacrifices, we will be able to appreciate the prevailing peace and harmony that we have been enjoying today. This will ensure that all Malaysians will be able to continue to progress, regardless of race and religion. 
As for Sarawak, 2030 is the year it targeted to attain a developed status with high income economy for its people. The strategy which has been implemented in order to achieve it is through the Post-Covid-19 Development Strategy (PCDS) 2030, which is a comprehensive policy that empowers everyone to work extra hard in order to attain a holistic prosperity for all Sarawakians, less the very words of the late Tun Jugah will continue to haunt us. So, ‘let’s hope that Malaysia will not end up like sugarcane, sweet in the beginning but tasteless in the end’.