Peace & Harmony A Blessing For Sarawak

Posted on 09 Apr 2024
Source of News: UKAS

KUCHING: Sarawak is blessed with peace and harmony despite having people of multiracial and multireligious backgrounds.

According to Sarawak Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, Sarawakians must maintain any practices or traditions which lead to a harmonious society. 

In the month of Syawal, the Minister for International Trade, Industry and Investment urged the locals to continue the tradition of visiting and apologising to strengthen friendship amongst one another. 

"Alhamdulillah, let us express our gratitude to Allah S.W.T. because with His guidance and permission once again this year we can complete fasting and celebrate the glorious Aidilfitri in an atmosphere of harmony and prosperity. 

"On the eve of the glorious Syawal, I would like to record a Happy Eid Al-Fitr greeting to all who welcome it.

"Aidilfitri is the day we celebrate victory and as a reward for those who are patient and obedient in worship during Ramadan,”he said in his Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2024 message on Tuesday. 

Therefore, Datuk Amar Awang Tengah urged all Sarawakians to maintain the existing stability and to not be influenced by any extreme thinking and culture. -UKASnews