Flood Issue: Government Approves RM191 Million for Sarawak River PSLB

Posted on 22 Jul 2024
Source of News: UKAS

KUCHING: The frequent flooding in several areas here has gained the attention of the Federal Government. 

In response, the government, through the Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (PETRA), has approved RM191 million for the implementation of theIntegrated River Basin Development Project (PLSB) for the Sarawak River to address flooding issues in various parts of Kuching city.

Deputy Prime Minister, Dato Sri Fadillah Yusof said that the implementation of the PLSB would first address critical areas before extending to other flash flood-prone areas. 

“Today, we are holding the groundbreaking ceremony for Package 3 of the PLSB, which involves a cost of around RM40 million. 

"It is hoped that this project will reduce flood issues, especially in Taman Malihah, the General Hospital area, and Taman Univista in Samarahan, as these are frequently flooded or critical areas," he said.

He said this during a press conference after officiating the groundbreaking ceremony for Package 3 of the PLSB here on Sunday.

The Minister of PETRA and Member of Parliament for Petra Jaya mentioned that Package 3 of the PLSB, which costs RM41.96 million, will be implemented over 24 months starting from May 21 and is expected to be fully completed by May 20, 2026.

Package 1 of the Sarawak River PLSB, which involves the Sub Basin of the Kuap River, is being implemented to address flooding issues around Muara Tuang Park, Taman Univista, and Unisquare and Tabuan Dayak. 

Meanwhile, Package 2 of the Sarawak River PLSB involves the Sarawak General Hospital area, Taman Lintang, and Government Quarters in Kuching, which has been started in May 2024 and is expected to be completed by 2026.

Also present were Sarawak Deputy Premier, Datuk Amar Professor Dr Sim Kui Hian, PETRA Secretary General, Dato Mad Zaidi Mohd Karli, Chief Political Secretary to the Sarawak Premier and Tupong Assemblyman, Fazzrudin Abdul Rahman, Sarawak Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Director Datu Ir Ahmad Denney Ahmad Fauzi, and other honoured guests.-UKASnews